18 awards in one year
January is the perfect time for annual summaries. The year 2019 was full of awards granted to the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP. The 18 won awards included both national and foreign prizes.

A record-breaking number of medals went to the Institute during the INTARG International Business and Scientific Innovation Fair. The jury recognized: PIAP IBIS robot, Device for rapid replacement of power supply units in electric vehicles and R-TPD Remotely Controlled Portable Tire Puncturing Device (gold medals) and a Hybrid method of rapid reconstruction or manufacturing of custom machine parts for modern production lines (silver medal).
Three medals were awarded to the Institute during the International Warsaw Invention Show IWIS 2019, where the institutes included in the Łukasiewicz Research Network showed off for the first time. In total, they were awarded as many as 13 medals, and Łukasiewicz – PIAP Institute was the record holder, which won three awards: platinum medal for the ASBOP-PERKUN Autonomous Air Defence Combat System, gold medal for the R-TPD Remotely Controlled Portable Tire Puncturing Device and bronze medal for the Hybrid method of rapid reconstruction or manufacturing of custom machine parts for modern production lines.
The presence at the International Trade Fair Ideas, Inventions, New Products iENA in Nuremberg resulted in two distinctions won by the PIAP IBIS robot – the bronze medal and a special prize.
ŁUKASIEWICZ – PIAP Institute also received in 2019 two diplomas of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the PIAP Fenix robot and the Universal measuring module conforming to INDUSTRY 4.0 standards, as well as the diploma of the Minister of Investment and Development for the PIAP IBIS robot.
Other medals and awards granted to us last year include: Gold Medal of the Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEX), Gold Medal of the International Innovation Exhibition ARCA in Zagreb and Silver Medal of the EUROINVENT 2019 European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation in Iasi (Romania) awarded for the PIAP IBIS robot and Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva awarded for Universal measuring module conforming to INDUSTRY 4.0 standards. We have also been nominated for the Company of the Year and Product of the Year emblem.