
Our experts at the International Conference on Medical Robotics

An annual medical robotics conference was held at the Foundation for Cardiac Surgery Development in Zabrze on 12 and 13 December 2024. It was attended by experts from Łukasiewicz – PIAP, who introduced the topic of the SmartEx-Home exoskeleton.



On the second day of the 12th International Conference on Medical Robots, as part of the Rehabilitation Robots panel, Piotr Falkowski – head of the Biorobotics and Medical Devices Section at Łukasiewicz – PIAP – gave a presentation entitled “System for intelligent assessment of functional rehabilitation assisted by the SmartEx-Home exoskeleton”, concerning research carried out under the project “SmartExHome – preparation of a universal and lightweight design and control method of an exoskeleton for remote functional rehabilitation at home” (LIDER14/0196/2023).

During a behind-the-scenes meeting, experts from the Biorobotics and Medical Devices Section talked with prospective customers interested in the exoskeleton-assisted intelligent rehabilitation technology under development.

A video of the entire conference can be watched at https://youtube.com/watch?v=AevkTxXOXBI.

More information about the project can be found at tutaj.