Łukasiewicz – PIAP robot for the Border Guard Training Centre
Łukasiewicz – PIAP has delivered a PIAP GRYF explosive ordnance disposal robot to the Border Guard Training Centre in Kętrzyn – one of the three Border Guard centres training highly-qualified personnel for service in guarding the borders of the Republic of Poland.

The Border Guard Training Centre in Kętrzyn is the only centre providing training on the explosive ordnance engineering and disposal tasks for the Border Guard and other services, for whom the know-how in identification and neutralisation of explosive materials and devices is essential for their daily professional activities.
The learning resources of the school have been supplemented with the latest digital medium-sized (48 kg) PIAP GRYF mobile explosive ordnance disposal robot with the equipment required for installation of additional accessories, including the X-ray device mount and the smooth-bore shotgun mount. An additional set of tools, including a glass breaker, a wire cutter and a blade for piercing tires was also included.
PIAP GRYF mobile explosive ordnance disposal robot is designed for the neutralisation tasks involving use of hazardous objects and devices, including explosives. The robot can be used to identify, secure and deliver a suspicious package to a location where it can be neutralised or, in extreme cases, the hazardous explosive charge can be neutralised on-site using the robot accessories.
A hybrid drive system of the robot ensures ease of movement on any surface, in various terrain conditions and in the buildings (including climbing the stairs). The robot wheels can be detached to reduce its overall dimensions for tasks carried out in narrow spaces, e.g. on board of the aircraft.
The robot is fitted with cameras for vehicle steering with IR (infrared) illuminators for day and night operations, a high resolution camera with 33x optical zoom and a grip camera for easy handling of hazardous items. The robot is controlled using a state-of-the-art handheld control panel, and a trained officer can remotely identify the content of suspicious packages, luggage or other hazardous objects from a safe distance.