
Together we can do more

Łukasiewicz – PIAP has joined the charity action of the Beautiful Angels Association During the he Christmas fair we raised PLN 2,500.00 which will be donated to children living in the most difficult conditions.






Lukasiewicz Research Network Institutes supported the Beautiful Angels Association, which renovates and equips the rooms of underprivileged children. Part of the support was a fundraiser organised by Łukasiewicz – PIAP during a charity Christmas fair. During the fair, visitors could buy, among other things, homemade cakes, decorative ceramics, Christmas decorations, handicrafts and Christmas tree ornaments made by our employees and children from the “Mali Wynalazcy” nursery and kindergarten operating at the Institute. In total, we managed to collect the sum of PLN 2,500.00 which was donated to the association’s account.

“ We would like to thank the event coordinator and organisers, and above all the entire staff, for supporting this important initiative.  We were able to help the little ones on Christmas Eve, in a festive atmosphere. May the magic of Christmas bring rest, respite and joy. And may the happy moments shared with your families help you develop careers and pursue all your planned tasks. I wish everyone peace, health and love, as well as job satisfaction,” says Piotr Szynkarczyk, BEng, PhD, DSc, Łukasiewicz – PIAP Director.

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