Professor associated with Łukasiewicz – PIAP editor-in-chief of “Automation in Construction”
The world’s highest-rated scientific journal in the discipline of civil engineering, “Automation in Construction”, is edited by an employee of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PIAP.
“Automation in Construction”, an international civil engineering research journal with the world’s highest impact factor (IF), according to the Web of Science database, is edited by the area leader at the Łukasiewicz Institute in Warsaw – PIAP, in the application research support department that focuses mainly on automation in the construction industry. This monthly peer-reviewed magazine containing original scientific articles on the latest achievements in the field of construction-related automation and IT has been published by the Elsevier publishing group since 1992.
Professor Mirosław Skibniewski, associated with the faculty of civil engineering and environmental protection and with the robotics centre of the University of Maryland, has been the editor-in-chief of this journal since 1994. His editorial team currently consists of 14 associate editors and 40 editorial board members from leading scientific research institutions around the world. Also Sc.D. Eng. Piotr Szynkarczyk, Director of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PIAP is long-time member of the editorial board. Other employees of the Łukasiewicz Institute – PIAP are among the authors of works published in “Automation in Construction”. The journal receives approximately 15,000 original papers annually for review and publishes approximately 120.
Professor Skibniewski received his M.S. degree in civil engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology and his M.S. and Sc.D. degrees from Carnegie-Mellon University in the USA. It specialises in automation and IT for sustainable building applications.