The “AUTOMATION” conference in three weeks' time
The “AUTOMATION” conference organised by Łukasiewicz – PIAP is knocking on the door. This year’s edition will be held at the institute’s headquarters on 8-9 May 2024.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP) is organising the “AUTOMATION” Scientific and Technical Conference for the 28th time. The thematic scope includes automation, control theory, robotics and measurements. The event will traditionally take place in the Conference Centre at the institute’s headquarters.
The conference, which has been organised since 1997, brings together specialists from academic institutions and businesses. It is a good opportunity to present achievements and exchange experiences in the practical application of automation, robotics and measurement equipment and systems.
Qualified papers in English will be published by Springer, while those in Polish by the scientific and technical quarterly Pomiary Automatyki Robotyka.
During the conference, the results of the Young Innovators competition will be announced, aimed at graduates of full-time and part-time science and technology studies at Polish universities. Authors of selected competition entries will present them during the conference.
For more information about the conference, visit or write to