MALI WYNALAZCY(LITTLE INVENTORS) is a unique kindergarten, which was created at the Łukasiewicz – PIAP in Warsaw. The facility offers a rich program of activities that inspire children to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The ” MALI WYNALAZCY(LITTLE INVENTORS)” kindergarten is mainly attended by the children of the Institute’s employees. There are two age groups in the kindergarten: a group of toddlers and a group of older children.

Focusing on the proper development of the child, we provide numerous additional activities, such as logopaedics/speech therapy, rhythmics, corrective gymnastics, psychological classes, karate, modern dance, English, ceramics.

Due to the specific nature of the Institute, the curriculum of the MALI WYNALAZCY kindergarten includes demonstrations and technical classes designed to bring the children closer to the world of science. During many trips the children visit museums, theaters and a number of other interesting places.

We guarantee the best conditions not only for fun, but above all for the proper development of the child. In addition, we offer a healthy lifestyle, because our goal is to raise a healthy, active and independent child.

MALI WYNALAZCY is a safe place, full of professionalism, science and care at the highest level.


