Student internships

Practices that inspire the future: Łukasiewicz – PIAP is waiting for you!

Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP) organises student internships. We welcome students from fields such as Automation and Robotics, Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering. We are also open to working with adult technology college students who want to develop their passions and gain practical experience at a research institute.

Łukasiewicz – PIAP interns support the development of cybernetic systems architecture as well as software design and implementation in areas such as user interfaces, autonomy algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine vision, 3D simulators, communication interfaces and embedded/IoT platforms.

Since 2010, more than 700 students have completed internships at Łukasiewicz – PIAP.

The trainee working on a project has a say in the choice of their task (agile, scrum) and technology and how specific problems are to be solved. We use technologies such as ROS, JavaScript, Unity/Unreal Engine/Gazebo, TensorFlow, SLAM. We provide technical leadership support as well as integration testing and unit testing.

Why is it worth it?

  • real projects – not just theory but real challenges in working on future technologies,
  • multidisciplinarity – learning to work with experts from different fields,
  • experience – learning about the specifics of working at a renowned industrial institute.

Join the ranks of those who are getting a head start in the job market and leaving their mark on the world of technology!

Apply by writing to or using the link.


Łukasiewicz – PIAP’s Scientific Secretary
Assoc. Prof., Dr. Eng., Roman Szewczyk
