Demo4Green Project
Green Manufacturing Project: Demonstrating technologies to fight Climate Change aims to disseminate demonstrators of industrial technologies that reduce carbon footprint in RIS countries.
In line with the “try before you buy” concept, as part of the Demo4Green project it is foreseen to develop a training module on the implementation of demonstrators in the Teaching & Learning Factory (TLF), to select demonstrators for implementation and to support SMEs in bringing their green technologies to the market.
Project type: international research project as part of EIT Regional Innovation Scheme
The Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) is an aid programme of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology [EIT] (an independent EU body appointed to enable innovators to transform their best ideas into products, services and jobs in Europe) which helps increase the innovative potential in European countries with a lower participation level. The RIS programme enables transfer of good practices and know-how from a unique attitude of the EIT to stimulation of innovations and is implemented within the framework of the EIT Manufacturing https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/.
Project implementation date: 01.01.2022–31.12.2022
Project budget: EUR 379,992, including Łukasiewicz – PIAP EUR 50,000 (co-financing: EUR 46,000, own contribution EUR 4,000)
Coordinator: INES TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science – Portugal
- Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation (LMS), University of Patras – Greece;
- Czech Technical University in Prague (CIIRC CTU) – Czech Republic
- Tecnalia – Spain
- Intechcentras – Lithuania
- University of Tartu – Estonia
- MADE – Italy
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP – Poland