The ‘EDEN’ project
End-user driven Demo for CBRN (EDEN)

The goal of the project EDEN is to build a mobile robot (the ‘EDEN-Store’ technological platform) and a set of environmental probes for use with any mobile robot.
The platform will operate as an expert system interfaced to a database to recommend specific technological solutions (tools, resources, software) depending on presets (threat type, land topography, etc.).
Also, the project will develop new tools for handling CBRN threats, conforming to the standards for collaboration within the ‘EDEN’ project. Then, the tools will be tested during three demonstrations.
Implementation timeframe: 01/09/2013 – 31/08/2015
Project budget: EUR 36,872,735
Contract number: 313077, 7th Framework Program
Project type: International research project
Coordinator: BAE Systems (Operations) Ltd., UK