The Scientific and Technical Conference AUTOMATION “Automation – Innovations and Perspectives” has been organized by the Łukasiewicz – PIAP since 1997. This conference has entered the calendar of the most important national scientific and technical events in the field of automation, robotics and measuring technology.
The scientific and technical conference AUTOMATION – “Automation – Innovations and Perspectives” is organized by the Łukasiewicz – PIAP every year since 1997. The conference topics include: control theory, automation and automation, metrology, measuring devices and systems, robotics and robotization. The conference is attended by participants from various environments – scientific units and enterprises, presenting theoretical achievements and innovative practical solutions.
The conference is held under the scientific patronage of the Automation and Robotics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and scientific and technical patronage of the Polish Society for Measurement, Automatic Control and Robotics POLSPAR.
The Program Committee composed of over 20 scientists from leading academic centres and scientific organisations and institutions ensures high scientific excellence of presented papers. The submission and review of papers and communication with authors and reviewers is managed through an EasyChair online publication management system.
It should be noted that organizers of the AUTOMATION conference regularly invite as speakers authors of the best doctoral and diploma theses – master’s and engineer’s, awarded and honoured in the Young & Innovative competition. This competition has been organized since 2008 by the Łukasiewicz – PIAP and concerns innovative solutions in the field of automation, robotics and measurements.
Next edition
7-9 May 2025
Al. Jerozolimskie 202, Warszawa, Polska
E-mail: konferencja@piap.lukasiewicz.gov.pl.