Smart manufacturing technologies
3D printers are already part of autonomous production systems, and additive manufacturing is providing more and more support in production and maintenance. Read our interview with the expert in the field Maciej Cader, BEng, PhD from Łukasiewicz – PIAP in the April issue of AUTOMATYKA.

Numerical calculations in design, materials research and additive technologies – a trio that opens up new possibilities within and beyond the industry. In the latest issue of AUTOMATYKA monthly with Maciej Cader, BEng, PhD, assistant research director at Łukasiewicz- PIAP and the creator of the Rapid Prototyping and Numerical Calculation Laboratory, we talk about the benefits resulting from a successful combination of additive technologies and artificial intelligence, and how 3D printing may support maintenance. Nowadays, many production plants continue to struggle with the issue of faulty components used in legacy production processes and lines. Ordering new parts can often times be difficult, expensive or simply impossible, if they get discontinued. In these cases 3D printing techniques can be used to print the replacement parts and eliminate the issues with their availability or high costs. The Rapid Prototyping and Numerical Calculation Laboratory operating at Łukasiewicz – PIAP offers a full spectrum of such 3D printing services., from pre-production, through manufacturing, to finishing touches and measurements. Photovoltaic systems are another topic we widely discuss in the latest issue of AUTOMATYKA. More and more frequently businesses and enterprises seeking to reduce their operating costs are opting for green solar energy. We explain how it works and how to choose the best solution. Challenges within the new technological reality arise not only from the strictly technical aspect, but also the from the legal side. The representatives of law offices – Kancelaria LSW Leśnodorski Ślusarek i Wspólnicy and Kancelaria GWW Ladziński, Cmoch i Wspólnicy discuss how to avoid legal conflicts when implementing automatics and robotics, and how to benefit from the research and development tax relief. You can read about more interesting topics in the April issue. Printed and digital editions are available here.